Welcome to the
dialogue compendium!

This site exists to document all the dialogue in UNDERTALE and DELTARUNE in an organized and accessible manner.

This project is work in progress, and is currently only focusing on covering DELTARUNE.


Contacts and Credits

This is my first time ever making a website, so the code might be pure spaghetti. Also I haven't fully tested it on other browsers or devices so if anything breaks please let me know.

If you would like to send any sort of feedback, you can reach out to me on my bsky, on my twitter, or send an anonymous message through this form.


-TOWOT, for helping and making a dialogue parser for Chapter 1 and 2

-A whole lot of people for testing the website

-The Undertale and Deltarune Dialogue Dumps, for inspiring this idea.

-The Deltarune Text Project, which I've used to double check dialogue.

-Spriter's Resource and the Deltarune Wiki for ripping certain sprites/animations. (Though most stuff is ripped from the files...)

-Toby Fox and the rest of the DELTARUNE development team, from who I stole all the assets from.