Quests to release Chapter 3 and 4

* Kris, get ready for another fight!  クリス またバトルだね!
* Ha! Quell your mouth,
my dearest Bimbitoe!
 うっさし だまれ
* We're just hereth for the Snackse.  我ら ふーどを

* Oh-ho! You want some treats of the trade!?  オッホッホ!

* SHADOWGUY - ATTACK ? DEFENSE ? * Battling's just a side gig. Playing on stage is the dream!  シャドウガイ - ATK ? DEF ?  バトルはバイト。夢はステージでの演奏!

Holiday 2024 Newsletter

* ... Yeah, alright.  …ああ だな。
* ... heh, what's with you, making me feel better?  ヘヘッ… ラルセイに
* I wike you too, Suwsie!  わぁ〜ん ボクも
 だぁいすき だお〜!
* Yeah, alright, knock it off with the stupid voice!  わーったから!
 キショい声で しゃべんな!

* Susie? Can you enrich my enclosure?  スージィ? ボクさまの
* Uhh, I can punch a hole in drywall and hide toys inside.  あー…カベにコブシで
 穴あけて 中にオモチャ
* Thank you. Someday, I will do the same for you...  ありがとう。いつかボクさま
 も スージィに 同じこと

* Listen. It disgusts me
to say this, but... as
 いいかい? きぶんは
 わるいが ボクはいいヤツ
 だから あえて いう…
* I will let you... Be the breeze under my wings.  …キミの あいを
 ボクの つばさに
* You... me. Festival.  キミと… ボクで…
 まつりに いこうじゃ

* Did it hurt when you fell? Your tag says you're... um, the moon.  ねえ… “月が きれいですね”